Aeronautical Research Committee (1920-1945)

Aeronautical Research Committee (1920-1945)


Aeronautical Research Committee

After the war, the ACA was reconstituted as the Aeronautical Research Committee (ARC), reporting to the Minister of Aviation (at the time, Winston Churchill), rather than the Prime Minister and concentrating principally on aeronautical research and education. For the first five years of its new constitution, the ARC had the benefit of representation from SBAC and RAeS but following a reorganization of the Air Ministry, its terms of reference were amended so that its membership was solely governed by scientific standing rather than representation of defined interests.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Cope, W F (His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1942-11-01)
  • Collar, A. R. (H. M. Stationary Office, 1940-08-10)
    Summary.—The present report is one of a series dealing with N.P.L. methods for the design of return flow wind tunnels. Reports already issued deal with the design of the Compressed Air Tunnel¹ and Open Jet Tunnels,² with ...
  • Lock, C. N. H. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1934-10)
    A rapid method is described of making calculations of airscrew performance by means of charts. The first application is to ordinary strip theory calculations on the basis of the formulae of Ref. 5. Six charts are required ...
  • Lock, C. N. H.; Bateman, H.; Nixon, H. L. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1934-10)
    The main series of tests of the original family of airscrews described in R&M 829 consisted of measurements of overall thrust and torque on 5 two-bladed and four-bladed airscrews of pitch diameter ratios 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 ...
  • Glauert, H. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1924-01)
    The present report gives a short account of a generalised type of Jankowski aerofoil which avoids the difficulty of extreme thinness near the trailing edge associated with the ordinary Jankowski aerofoils. Calculations ...
  • Lock, C. N. H. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1929-10)
    The effect of the boundaries of a wind tunnel on the flow in the neighbourhood of a symmetrical body (i.e. (a) in two dimensions, a cylinder having a plane of symmetry parallel to the axis of the tunnel : (b) in three ...
  • Glauert, H. (H. M. Stationery Office, 20/02/1932)
    Approximate formulae for the interference on an aerofoil in a rectangular wind tunnel have been known and used for several years. More accurate formulae have been developed by Terazawa and Rosenhead, but their results are ...
  • R. A. Frazer; W. J. Duncan (H. M. Stationery Office, 1931)
    The present report is the second in the Monograph series of the Aeronautical Research Committee to be devoted to the subject of flutter. The first, R. & M. 1155, appeared in 1928 and was entitled "The Flutter of Aeroplane ...
  • Thom, A. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1928)
    A large amount of information is now available regarding the flow of water or air past a cylinder placed across the stream so far as the behaviour of the main body of the fluid is concerned; but the conditions in the layer ...
  • Thom, A. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1928)
    There are in existence several methods of obtaining numerical solutions to the two-dimensional flow of a perfect fluid for given boundary conditions
  • Pannell, J. R. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1920)
    The experiments were carried out during a visit to Pulham Air Station when the trials of R.39. were temporarily interrupted. Other reports dealing with full-scale airship experiments are R. & M. 537, R. & M. 674, R. & M, ...
  • Glauert, H. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1924)
    Recently a number of aerofoils have been designed with the object of obtaining (1) a good thick wing, and (2) a racing wing. Experimental results for these aerofoils are contained in reports R.&M. 915, R.&M. 928, and R.&M. ...
  • T. E. Stanton; Marshall, Dorothy; C. N. Bryant (H. M. Stationery Office, 1920)
    The object of the experiments was to determine the nature of the flow in the neighbourhood of the boundary of a fluid flowing in turbulent motion through a channel with parallel walls. The observations were made on air ...
  • F. B. Bradfield (H. M. Stationery Office, 1919)
    Windmills of the hemispherical cup anemometer type have been used on aeroplanes for driving auxiliary apparatus, and it therefore appeared desirable to be able to calculate their performance. To do this it was necessary ...
  • W. G. A. Perring (H. M. Stationery Office, 1928)
    Theoretical expressions for the lift and pitching moment of an aerofoil in two dimensional motion were developed in R&M 910. This theory was extended in R&M 1095 to include the hinge moment of a flap in the case of a ...
  • Glauert, H. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1924)
    The present report develops a theory of thin aerofoils in two dimensional motion and simple integral expressions are obtained for the angle of incidence and moment coefficient at zero lift. A graphical method of integration ...
  • Harris, R. G. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1921)
    This report describes experimental and theoretical investigations of the vibrations of rafwires during "singing." The experimental work was confined to the laboratory. Observations were made on a rafwire in a wind channel ...
  • Pannell, J. R.; R. A. Frazer (H. M. Stationery Office, 1920)
    The Report gives experimental results obtained on four flights on R.26 during the period November, 1918-January, 1919. The following earlier Reports are quoted in the text :- R. & M. 668 (Airship R.33) ; R. & M. 537 and ...
  • J. F. C. Conn; Love, E.M. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1942)
    The performance of a variable-pitch, 3-bladed propellor has been calculated for conditions of fixed power absorption, fixed rotational speed and varying advance speed. Curves of efficiency and power-loss ratios are given ...
  • R. C. Pankhurst; J. F. C. Conn; R. G. Fowler; Love, E.M. (H. M. Stationery Office, 1941)
    The effect of change of gear ratio has been examined in the case of a four-bladed airscrew of 14 ft. diameter absorbing 2,000 b.h.p. at 37,000 ft. at a forward speed of 450 m.p.h. with a given engine speed (3,700 r.p.m.). ...

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