Oscillatory aerodynamic lift and pitching-moment derivatives have been measured in a wind tunnel at low subsonic speeds on the following wing and wing-body combinations: (i) tapered wing of aspect ratio 1.3, mid-chord line ...
Measurements have been made of the direct damping and stiffness derivatives for four rigid half-span models oscillating in a linear bending mode about an axis near the root in high-speed wind tunnels. A Mach number range ...
An integral equation is derived for the velocity on the surface of a given body of revolution or a given symmetrical profile in longitudinal flow, using the generation of a body by a vortex layer on its surface. The ...
Full-scale tests were required of the lift and drag characteristics of the Youngman flaps fitted to Fairey P.4/34 K.7555. These flaps are of the external aerofoil type, and can be lowered to two positions, one giving medium ...
Wind-tunnel tests have been made on a series of cambered slender wings of modified gothic planform. The main purpose of these tests was to investigate camber designs which have low lift-dependent drag and a given ...
When assessing the fatigue life of an aircraft structure it is necessary to know the frequency of occurrence of upward accelerations and the magnitude of the downward acceleration to be associated with those upward ...
Leading-edge separation from fairly thin wings of moderate or low aspect ratio gives rise to aerodynamic loading and forces that are non-linear with incidence. It is important to be able to estimate these effects theoretically ...
An electrical resistance network for solving the Laplacian field equation has been used to determine the attached-flow incidence of thin slender wings with different forms of camber. This incidence was found by applying ...
Measurements in turbulent boundary layers have shown large transverse variations of skin friction. It appears that these are associated with three-dimensional disturbances originating in the transition region. The disturbances ...
A detailed investigation of the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate of finite aspect ratio at zero incidence has been made, incorporating measurements of mean velocity profiles and skin friction over one surface of ...
The theoretical estimation of the buckling strength of a cylinder loaded in axial compression is improved by the use of a more representative deflected form for the buckled cylinder than has previously been used. Kempner's ...
The report describes experiments devised to investigate some of the previously unexplained peculiarities of normal types of pitot-static tube. Revised basic calibration factors for various instruments are recorded. In the ...
The term buzz, as used here, refers to a class of control-surface oscillations sometimes encountered during flight at transonic or low supersonic speeds. Essentially these are self-excited oscillations in, a single degree ...
In Part I, consideration of the equilibrium of the anisotropic core of a cylindrically curved sandwich plate leads to the three simultaneous differential equations for the three orthogonal deformations. Boundary conditions ...
Pressure-plotting and force tests have been made in the 8 ft x 8 ft Wind Tunnel, Bedford, on an uncambered slender wing of Collingbourne p = ½ ogee planform, s/c o = 0.25, 'Newby' area distribution, and varying cross-section ...
D. R. Gaukroger; J. K. Curran; A. T. Marriot(1962)
Measurements and calculations of aileron effectiveness for an elastic model wing in low-speed flow are described. The experimental technique enabled rolling moments due to applied aileron and to rate of roll to be measured ...
R. H. Plascott; D. J. Higton; F. Smith; A. R. Bramwell(1946)
This report describes flight tests to investigate the proNe-drag characteristics of a 'low-drag' section wing built by Armstrong Whitworth, Ltd., using a new type of construction of their own design. During the first series ...
This report describes transient wall temperature measurements made on a 15 deg total-angle cone at zero incidence in an airstream of Mach number 6.8. The skin of the model was sufficiently thin to allow it to reach ...
Some factors affecting the design of a row of windows in a pressurized cylindrical fuselage are discussed. The concept of the neutral hole is adopted, but account is taken of the change in the basic 2:1 stress field ...
In a single-axis gyro a rotation about the input axis forces the spin axis to rotate about the output axis. The true input axis is oscillating about its nominal position and the gyro sees a varying component of the angular ...