A general investigation has been made into measurement, control and performance problems associated with boat seaplane take-off and initial climb. Particular attention was paid to engine failure during take-off and initial ...
An analysis has been made of the full-scale measured drag and lift performance, data available on the Sunderland, Solent, Shetland, Sealand, Saro E.6/44 and Princess boat seaplanes, which all have hulls of fairly orthodox ...
The hull launching tank has been built in order that systematic measurements of impact pressures can be made on large model seaplane hulls to supplement full scale tests, and to cover conditions of impact which would be ...
This investigation reviews the work done up to 1948 on the behaviour of aircraft when making a forced lending on water. It is confined in detail to the tests made on hydrodynamic and structural performance in the Free ...
A direct method of determining the water stability in take-off and landing of full-scale seaplanes is described. The customary method of measuring full-scale stability is by steady runs over a range of speed and attitudes. ...
A description is given of the various techniques evolved in recent years to provide model data as a basis for predicting the full-scale behaviour of a seaplane. The seaplane tank and associated equipment is described in ...
A review has been made of the evidence on take-off and landing porpoising instability of seaplanes. The basic types of porpoising and their occurrence have been examined ; full-scale results have been correlated with ...
Further model tests were made on the Princess flying boat to: (a) improve the main-step fairing in order to reduce air drag while retaining satisfactory porpoising stability at high water speeds, (b) reduce the mid-planing ...
An analysis is made of data on the variation of hull air drag with length/beam ratio and degree of local fairing, and of the maximum beam loading permitted for reasonable hydrodynamic performance. The effect of length/beam ...
G. J. Evans; A. G. Smith; R. A. Shaw; W. Morris(1941)
Tests were made to investigate the hydrodynamic qualities of the Sunderland flying boat, when fitted with step fairings of mean gradient 1 : 3, 1 : 6 and 1 : 9. Attitude and acce]eration measurements were made during ...
Results of research work done in this country and the subject matter of Refs. 1 to 4 on the measurement and analysis of the air drag of seaplane hulls are collected together in this report. The data consist of the results ...